I was
raised to believe that thank you letters are polite. As an adult, I have
learned just how incredibly important and meaningful they can be.
I first received a thank you letter from a client, it was for a euthanasia I
had done. This was an unexpected but lovely gesture and it’s nice to know
that the care and comfort we attempt to provide is received and
appreciated. I was told at the time that these thank you letters are
likely the only ones I would receive in my career. They are the most
common, but I have also received many thank you letters from clients who’s pets
are still with us. The words that are shared with every letter are
immeasurable in their kindness and inspiration. I have cherished, and saved,
each and every one.
I was doing some research late at night on VIN, the Veterinary Information
Like most databases that are invaluable, the search engine can be tricky. For example, questions about how to emphasize the importance of post-surgical instructions can lead to answers about how to avoid inappropriate contact when trying to examine a patient being held closely by a technician. I believe I was trying to find information about the physics of limb surgery when I instead came across a post entitled “Dear Client: Positive Letters From Veterinarians To Their Favorite Clients”. I immediately found myself in an odd grimace half-way between a smile and a tear-fest being reminded of everything I love about my career, my patients, my co-workers, and colleagues.
Like most databases that are invaluable, the search engine can be tricky. For example, questions about how to emphasize the importance of post-surgical instructions can lead to answers about how to avoid inappropriate contact when trying to examine a patient being held closely by a technician. I believe I was trying to find information about the physics of limb surgery when I instead came across a post entitled “Dear Client: Positive Letters From Veterinarians To Their Favorite Clients”. I immediately found myself in an odd grimace half-way between a smile and a tear-fest being reminded of everything I love about my career, my patients, my co-workers, and colleagues.
wish I could post all 125 of those letters but I don’t have the room, that
probably violates some privacy code, and they just keep coming. I can
certainly tell you the gist of them though: “Thank you for caring so much
for animals, whether it’s one you’ve owned for years or just picked up off the
side of the road when you saw it was injured, for using resources (time, money,
emotional energy) I know may have been really hard to come by, for being
patient with the medical care system even when it’s really confusing and
disappointing, for understanding that we’re not perfect and can make mistakes
too, for trusting us to try as hard as we can even when you may have only just
met us, and for letting us know that all of our combined blood, sweat, and
tears can make our animals healthier, our people happier, and the world a
better place!”
only correction I would make is that these letters are ones I could write to
ALL of my clients because each and every one of you in some way move me,
entertain me, challenge me, teach me, and make me a better veterinarian, every